Reading and Decision

Reading Applications
Here you can find helpful documentation about how to read and evaluate applications in Slate:

Individual Application Reader Assignment: how to assign one application to a user for review.

Batch Application Reader Assignment: how to assign multiple applications to a user for review.

Application Review and Evaluation Process: learn how to use Slate to review and evaluate applications.

Bin Movement (Workflow): learn more about the process by which applications move through workflow in Slate.

Decision Resources
Consult this documentation to learn more about how to make and release decisions on applications, how the notification process works for applicants, and other related topics:

Individual Application Decision: how to make and release a decision on one application.

Batch Application Decisions: how to make decisions on a batch of applications and queue them for release via Slate’s Release Decision Tool.

Release Decision Tool: learn how to utilize this tool to queue decisions for release.