The Advisee List displays all of the students that you are currently advising. While viewing the advisee list, you can view specific academic information about each student.
Select the Advisee List link located under Advisees.
Information about each Advisee will appear. You’ll see: Student Name, FERPA, Hopkins ID, Year Of Study, Major, Minor, Email, More Info links, Expected to Graduate (yes/no), and any Advisor Holds.
Under the Actions box, you can filter your list by year of study.
From the Advisee List page, select the Enrollments link located under the More Info column.
The Advisee Name, ID number, Year of Study, Major, and Faculty Advisor will appear.
Select a Term from the dropbox if you want to filter enrollments by term. By default, the current term, or last enrolled term, is displayed.
A list of the student’s Confirmed, and/or Non-Confirmed Enrollments will appear, along with the class information.
Use the Email Advisee Enrollment Information link to email the currently selected Advisee.
From the Advisee List page, select the Grades link located under the More Info column.
The Advisee Name, ID number, Year of Study, Major, and Faculty Advisor will appear.
Select a Term if you wish to see grades for a specific Academic Period. By default, all Academic Periods are displayed.
The Class ID, Class Title,Grade, Writing Intensive, Area, and Grade System per Academic Period will be displayed.
Click the Class Title or Class ID link for detailed information on a specific class.
From the Advisee list page, select the Schedule link located under the More Info column.
Select an Academic Period from the dropbox.
There are 2 views for schedule:
- By default, the Weekly Calender view for the Advisee’s last enrolled term is displayed. To view a specific week, click the Next or Previous links.
- Select Enrollment Summary under Class Schedule Options to view the table version of the same schedule.