JH Zoom Quarterly, December 2022

You can now peruse the newest edition of the Johns Hopkins Zoom Quarterly Newsletter.

The Johns Hopkins Zoom Quarterly Newsletter is intended to keep our community informed on recent and relevant information about Zoom. In this Issue:

  • Introducing the Zoom Whiteboard
  • Zoom Software Lifecycle Policy
  • New & Improved Meeting Features
  • Host Spotlight & Pro Tips with Barbara Fowler
  • Zoom Stats from Q3, 2022

Please enjoy this issue and let us know of any thoughts and feedback you may have by contacting [email protected].

JH Zoom Quarterly, September 2022

You can now peruse the newest edition of the Johns Hopkins Zoom Quarterly Newsletter

The Johns Hopkins Zoom Quarterly Newsletter is intended to keep our community informed on recent and relevant information about Zoom. In this Issue:

  • Basic User Meeting Duration Change
  • Zoom Software Lifecycle Policy
  • New & Improved Meeting Features
  • Host Spotlight & Pro Tips with Victoria Dawe
  • Zoom Stats from Q2, 2022

Please enjoy this issue and let us know of any thoughts and feedback you may have by contacting [email protected].

JH Zoom Quarterly, June 2022

You can now peruse the newest edition of the Johns Hopkins Zoom Quarterly Newsletter.

Johns Hopkins Zoom Quarterly Newsletter is intended to keep our community informed on recent and relevant information about Zoom. In this Issue:

  • New Registration Confirmation Flow
  • Zoom Software Lifecycle Policy
  • Zoom Rooms… So, what are they?
  • New & Improved Meeting Features
  • Host Spotlight & Pro Tips with Nathan Graham
  • Zoom Stats from Q1, 2022

Please enjoy this issue, and let us know any thoughts and feedback you may have to [email protected].

Action Required: Zoom Software Lifecycle Policy

Zoom plans to implement a new Software Lifecycle Policy in which they will block client versions below a minimum version, and enforce a minimum version on a quarterly schedule — the first weekend of November, February, May, and August. This will take effect on November 5, 2022 for all products and services, starting with the minimum versions referenced in the below list. Users who are running an end-of-life version after November 5, will not be able to join meetings via the Zoom Client and will be prompted to update, or join from the Web browser. On that same schedule, they will announce the minimum version required across products and services for the next scheduled enforcement in order to provide three (3) months notice. However, there may be additional updates outside of this release window to address larger security or compliance features.

Please note that Zoom will be ending support for the ChromeOS client and are asking all customers to migrate to Zoom’s Progressive Web Application (PWA).

This policy will affect the following products on the following dates:

Product / Min version as of November 5, 2022

  • Zoom Client: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, Intune and Blackberry — 5.8.6
  • Chrome OS — Migrate to PWA
  • Zoom Rooms and Zoom Room Controller — 5.8.3
  • Zoom Phone Appliances — 5.8.6
  • Outlook Plug-in — 5.8.6
  • Browser Scheduler Extensions for Chrome and Firefox — N/A
  • VDI Client and VDI Plug-in — 5.5.0
  • Virtual Room Connector — 5.9.8222
  • Meetings Connector —
  • Recording Connector —
  • Meeting SDK Client (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) — 5.9.0
  • Meeting SDK Web — 2.1.0
  • Video SDK Client (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android) — 1.2.0
  • Video SDK Web — 1.2.0

We highly recommend you regularly download and update to the latest version of Zoom software to take advantage of all the latest security and functionality features. Please review how to check for updates within the Zoom client and retireving the most up-to-date Zoom client on our FAQ Page.

New Registration Confirmation Flow

Zoom is updating the registration confirmation page for meetings and webinars to improve the security of registration links.

When an attendee registers for an event, the join link will no longer be displayed on the confirmation page in their web browser. Attendees will find the join link in the email confirmation sent to them as usual. This change will help prevent attackers from obtaining a registration link using an email address they do not control personally and limit unwanted guests from joining meetings or webinars.

This setting will be enabled for all accounts July 1, 2022. Once enabled, registrants will no longer see join information (link, meeting password, etc.) on the registration confirmation page, and will be asked to refer to the confirmation email for details.

For more information on how to manage registrants and turn on registration, please check out Zoom’s help articles.

JH Zoom Quarterly, March 2022

You can now peruse the newest edition of the Johns Hopkins Zoom Quarterly Newsletter.

Johns Hopkins Zoom Quarterly Newsletter is intended to keep our community informed on recent and relevant information about Zoom. In this Issue:

  • Live transcription is now free for ALL users!
  • New & Improved Meeting Features
  • Host Spotlight & Pro Tips with Ellen Bonta
  • Zoom Stats from Q4, 2021

Please enjoy this issue, and let us know any thoughts and feedback you may have to [email protected].

JH Zoom Quarterly, December 2021

You can now peruse the newest edition of the Johns Hopkins Zoom Quarterly Newsletter.

Johns Hopkins Zoom Quarterly Newsletter is intended to keep our community informed on recent and relevant information about Zoom. In this Issue:

  • Preferred Pronouns Now Available!
  • New & Improved Meeting Features
  • Host Spotlight & Pro Tips with Jane Chase
  • Zoom Stats from Q3, 2021

Please enjoy this issue, and let us know any thoughts and feedback you may have to [email protected].

New Feature: Preferred Pronouns Now Available!

We are happy to announce that preferred pronouns are now available within Zoom! Once users have set their preferred pronouns in myJH, they will automatically become visible on their Zoom profile within 24 hours. See below for steps on setting up your preferred pronouns.

Please Note: Automatic transfer of preferred pronouns from myJH to Zoom is only available for Zoom accounts where Single Sign On (SSO) is being used for authentication. For Zoom accounts not utilizing SSO, pronouns must be manually configured in Zoom. Please refer to Zoom Support by School/Division for the appropriate support contact.

Setting your Pronouns in myJH

    1. Login to myJH
    2. Click your JHED ID in the top right corner and select myProfile.

myProfile option in myJH

  1. Under the myProfile tab, scroll down to Pronouns.
  2. Select your pronouns and desired visibility using the drop-down menus.
  3. Pronoun selection in MyJH
  4. Click Save myProfile at the bottom of the screen once you are finished.
  5. To remove your pronouns, repeat steps 4 and 5.
Please Note: It may take up to 24 hours for your pronouns to populate on your Zoom profile.

Zoom Pronoun Settings

    1. Login into Zoom at the web.
    2. Under your Profile page, click the Edit button to the right of your pronouns and name.
    3. Under the How would you like to share your pronouns? menu, select your preferred pronoun visibility in Zoom.

How would you like to share your pronouns option in Zoom

  1. Click Save at the bottom of the screen once you are completed.

Need Help?

If your preferred pronouns are not displaying after your name during a meeting, please ensure your Zoom Desktop Client is on version 5.7.0 or higher. Pronouns will not display on versions prior to 5.7.0. Refer to Zoom Desktop Client and Release Notes for steps on updating your client.

Visit Adding and Sharing your Pronouns for Zoom-specific support regarding pronouns.

For any other support needs, please refer to Zoom Support by School/Division.

JH Zoom Quarterly, September 2021

You can now peruse the newest edition of the Johns Hopkins Zoom Quarterly Newsletter.

Johns Hopkins Zoom Quarterly Newsletter is intended to keep our community informed on recent and relevant information about Zoom. In this Issue:

  • New & Improved Meeting Features
  • Alternative Hosting & Delegated Scheduling Across Accounts
  • Webinar 500 to Webinar 1000 Change
  • Host Spotlight & Pro Tips with Celine Greene
  • Zoom Stats from Q2, 2021

Please enjoy this issue, and let us know any thoughts and feedback you may have to [email protected].

New Feature: Alternative Hosting and Designated Scheduling across the Enterprise

Effective July 16, 2021:

We are excited to announce that alternative hosting and designated scheduling are now supported for all Licensed users within the JH Zoom Enterprise. Users can now assign other members to serve as alternative host(s) and/or designated scheduler(s), regardless of what subaccount/instance of Zoom their account resides in. Additional details for each of these features are outlined on Zoom’s related support articles below:

When assigning alternative host(s) or designated scheduler(s) within your account, it is imperative to use the correct email address of the assignee. Below, you will find the typical email format associated with each account type when searching for users.

Account Type Email Format
Faculty and Staff [email protected]
Student [email protected]

If you are having trouble locating the account, we recommend the following:

  • Search using first and last name
  • Search using JHED ID with the at symbol appended at the end (e.g. ‘JHEDID@’)
  • Ensure that the user you are attempting to assign is Licensed (Basic/free users cannot serve as alternative host(s) or designated scheduler(s))
  • Please Note: Internet Explorer is not a supported browser and may be unable to locate the user in the search results. Use either Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari when searching

For more details and information on how to utilize these features, please visit Faculty and Staff Zoom Support by School/Division for the appropriate divisional support contact. For any additional questions, please contact [email protected].