Granting and Managing Blue Jays Cloud Recording

Requesting TA Cloud Recording Access

Before you can begin using the Zoom Student Cloud Recording Request form, please contact your divisional Zoom support team so they can request form access for you. Once you have been granted access, please complete the following:

  1. Access the form by visiting Zoom Student Cloud Recording Request
  2. Enter the JHED IDs of the students you are requesting Cloud Recording access for. You can enter up to ten users at a time.
  3. Select the division requesting access for the student from the Sponsoring Division drop-down menu.
  4. Enter the Access Start Date and Access End Date for Cloud Recording. Click the calendar icon to open a date selector.
  5. Request form

  6. Once you have populated all fields, click Order Now on the right side of the screen. You as well as the student will receive an email from the IT Service Desk with confirmation.
  7. Order now button

Managing Cloud Recording Access

All changes and updates needed for Cloud Recording access will be made using the Zoom Student Cloud Recording Management Portal. In the portal, you are able to:

  • Revoke Cloud Recording access
  • Edit access start and end dates
  • Update a user’s sponsoring division

You are also able to filter the Management Portal results table by the Student’s JHED ID, Sponsoring Division, or the JHED ID of the Requestor.

Student Cloud Recording Management Portal

Please see below for Management Portal table column definitions/explanations.

IMPORTANT: You must click the blue Save Changes button at the top of the portal for all changes to applied. Any changes made will trigger an email notification both to you and the student that you modified.

Management Portal Column Definition/Explanation How to Modify
Remove Access Immediately remove Cloud Recording access, despite the Access Start and End Dates. Click the X on the for the student you wish to inactivate. Once finished, click Save Changes to save this update.
Student Student’s name. N/A
JHED JHED ID of the student. N/A
Status Status reflects the current state of the student’s access.

  • Active indicates the student has access.
  • Scheduled indicates the student has upcoming access, specifically on the Access Start Date
Status changes based on Access Start and End dates.
Access Start The date which Cloud Recording access is granted. Click the pencil for the Access Start Date you wish to change. Click the calendar icon to select a new date and click the green check mark to apply. Once finished, click Save Changes to save this update.
Access End The date which Cloud Recording access is removed. Click the pencil for the Access End Date you wish to change. Click the calendar icon to select a new date and click the green check mark to apply. Once finished, click Save Changes to save this update.
Sponsoring Division Division which the student is apart of. Click the pencil for the Sponsoring Division you wish to change. Select the appropriate divisions and click the green check mark to apply. Once finished, click Save Changes to save this update.
Requested by Staff who requested access. N/A

Please Note: Student cloud recordings will continue to remain in the Blue Jays Student instance once their access has expired. However, if the student needs to view or download the recordings after access expiration, the school/division will need to re-provision access to the student.

Cloud Recording Guide for Students

Support documentation for using Cloud Recording as a student is available. Please visit Guide to Cloud Recording for Students.

Cloud Recording FAQ

Please refer to our Cloud Recording for Students FAQ.